This Little Piggy & My Favorite DSP

I know I say it a lot….but this is my FAVORITE NEW STAMP SET (at least today!!!)  Plus, a few other new favorites–WOOD TEXTURES DSP and FINELY WOVEN RIBBON.  One of the things I like about the “piggies” in this stamp  set is how easy you can watercolor–even when you really don’t know how to watercolor!  But it looks awesome anyways.

Watercoloring is easy with the This Little Piggy stamp set. Instructions posted on website.


Card Recipe for project posted

  • Berry Burst Card Base:  11″ x 4 1/4″
  • Wood Textures DSP:  3″ x 5 1/2″
  • Lemon Lime Twist:  2 3/4″ x 3 1/4″
  • Shimmery White:  2 1/2″ x 3″
  • Powder Pink
  • Powder Pink 1/2″ Finely Woven Ribbon

NOTE:  When watercoloring, Shimmery White cardstock works FABULOUS!  (Whisper White does not!)

Step by Step Instructions for project posted

  • Stamp image on Shimmery White using Archival Black (you want to make sure it does not smear when watercoloring
  • Stamp image again on Powder Pink scrap and cut out with scissors (don’t cut around the tail–just cut it off)
  • Watercolor cut out pig using Melon Mambo ink and AquaPainter–just add a little on ears, nose, cheeks and a few highlights

Watercoloring is easy with the This Little Piggy stamp set. Instructions posted on website.

  • Watercolor image on Shimmery White using Melon Mambo, Lemon Lime Twist, and some soft sky around the image.  ALSO COLOR THE TAIL–no need to color the rest of the pig image
  • Adhere cut out pig over pig on Shimmery white.  You can see below where the tail WAS NOT cut out on the pink pig, and watercolored on the white one (just keeping the cutting easy!)

Watercoloring is easy with the This Little Piggy stamp set. Instructions posted on website.

That’s it–EASY PEASY but so SUPER CUTE!

Products used on project posted today

Here are the products I used.  If you’d like to order any of them to make this card, just click on any picture to go to the store.  

Important reminders of what is happening this month at Stampin' Up! and Klompenstampers.

June is a Fabulous Month…..IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW

  • Brand new 2017-2018 Stampin’ Up! Annual Catalog.   If you don’t have one yet, CLICK HERE to request one.
  • EXTRA $35 in Stampin’ Rewards with $350 order.
  • BEST Way To Buy Products:  Purchase the $99 Starter Kit and pick out $125 in products + FREE Shipping (contact me for details)
  • 15 FREE TUTORIALS when you place an order this month and use this HOST CODE: NU6PWNSP

Receive 15 step-by-step tutorials when you order from Jackie Bolhuis, Stampin' Up! Demonstrator in June 2017

As always, if you have any questions, or if I can help you with anything, please let me know.  If you are looking for a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator, I would be honored to be that person.  I would love to send you a catalog, help you decide what you need, or teach you what you’d like to know.

Have a stamp happy day. Jackie Bolhuis, Stampin' Up! Demonstrator


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